A healthy mind they say resides in a healthy body. It is an undisputable fact that an individual can only be productive in life if he or she has a sound health from which sound minds are borne. As humans, we are exposed to so many diseases; talk of those that can be seen or cannot be seen. To an extent, some of these diseases pose more threat to the human life than others do. Some of such diseases you can think of include; Ebola, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Rabies,  Aspergillosis, Cryptococcal meningitis, Tetanus and others. I believe with each of the aforementioned diseases, you may want to hear more or know more even though you might have heard quite a little about them  ; but unfortunately and for the sake of the article title at hand, I will just take you through one very common disease amongst them which is putting humanity on lots of danger; and that I'm referring to 'HEPATITIS'. Hepatitis is one disease that comes in many forms and I'm even sure the types in which it come with fascinates you. Believe you me, it really does fascinates me to imagine how one disease can enroll as many students into each of it's available classes. Ha-ha! That was just for humor. Now Hepatitis like I earlier said comes with different types, five (5) types to be precise; namely Hepatitis A,B,C,D and E. Let's quickly educate ourselves a little about the subject matter at hand.

According to health practioners, Hepatitis is a disease which affects the liver; in other words it is an inflammation of the liver. Now medicinenet.com describes inflammation as a localized reaction that produces redness, warmth, swelling and pain as a result of infection, irritation or injury. It further adds that, inflammation can either be external or internal ; which in our case today we are looking at the internal aspect of it which is the inflammation of the liver. Just in case someone doesn't know where the liver is, the liver can be located above the abdomen of the human body. Nevertheless, medically, inflammation according to Mariam-webster's medical dictionary refers to the local response to cellular injury that is marked by a capillary dilation, leukocytic infiltration, redness, heat, pain, swelling and often loss of function and that serves as a mechanism initiating the elimination of noxious agents and of damaged tissues. Going back to the matter, Hepatitis is believed to be caused by most common Hepatitis viruses but not only that, toxic substances (such as alcohol and certain drugs) and autoimmune diseases can as well cause hepatitis. Like I said earlier, all the types of hepatitis disease mentioned poses serious burdens of illness and mortality; hence it must be everyone's concern, especially you reading this.

International World Health Organization (W.H.O) has made it known that hepatitis A and E are typically caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water whereas B,C and D usually occur as a result of parental contact with infected body fluids. Commonly, cases of liver cirrhosis and cancer results from chronic diseases due to hepatitis B and C. Scientific reports also has it that, Hepatitis A virus is mostly present in faeces of infected persons and is transmitted through consumption of contaminated food and water. Not only does contamination lead to contracting hepatitis virus but also certain sex practices as well can lead to having the disease. Unlike hepatitis A, Hepatitis B virus(HBV) is transmitted through exposure of ineffective blood, semen, and other body fluids. It can be as well transmitted from infected mother's to infants during birth as well as through the transfusion of HBV-contaminated blood and blood products, contaminated injections during medical procedures and through injection drug use. Likewise the Hepatitis B virus, the C-virus is also mostly transmitted through the exposure to ineffective blood as well as sexual transmissions (which is less common). Even though safe and effective vaccines are available to prevent hepatitis B virus, there is no vaccine for the C-VIRUS. The Hepatitis D virus only occur in those infected by the B-virus; hence can rely on the B-vaccines for prevention. Also likewise the A-virus, the E-virus is mostly transmitted through the consumption of contaminated water and food. Prior to that, safe and effective vaccines have been made available to prevent the hepatitis E-virus.

Lets not forget that current global statistics on hepatitis as of April 2017, proves that 325 million people worldwide are living with chronic hepatitis B-virus or hepatitis C-virus. Also in Africa,1% of the population which is equivalent to an estimate of about 7 million people are considered to  be victims of the hepatitis C-virus. Globally, hepatitis B and C are the two two main types among the know five types responsible for 96% of overall hepatitis mortality today. So you see, this is the kind of disease we are threatened by everyday of our lives. Yes! It is very threateous, but can be prevented even without the vaccines. By that I mean practicing good health life. And by good health life I mean, avoiding sharing of razors, sharing of drug needles, avoid using someone else's toothbrush and persona belongings, avoid touching spilled blood and practicing good hygiene. Now it is recommended by the W.H.O to use vaccines against 26 diseases which include 3 vaccine-preventable types of viral hepatitis (A,B and E) out of the five types of viral hepatitis(A,B,C,D and E).

Finally I conclude by saying; the world needs you, your family and loved ones needs you and we at Articles-Gh needs you alive so be sure to practice good hygiene, eat well and live well and oh, don't forget to get tested! Knowing your status is very important because early detection of the virus can help put measures in place to save your life. Remember there's only one life to live so live it better while you can. Walk into any  accredited health facility near you today and get tested. STAY SAFE!

NB:// Medical statistics and information in this article was greatly inspired by relating contents from the World Health Organization and other sources. Visit www.who.int to enquire more on other health related issues.

Its world Hepatitis Day!!

Article by: Ansu Richards Samuel-Dwayne
                                ( staff writer)


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