Heaven has promised to be the ultimate place of joy based on the teachings of most religions. Who wouldn't want to be there?  People from all race are giving up a lot to experience heaven. It's clear people can do all manner of things for the ultimate joy.
My dear Christians, forgive me for the confusion, i am not talking about ‘heavenly heaven’ but something I can characterize as earthly heaven. Orgasm can be fairly described as series of 8 to 16 regular high intensity muscle contraction occurring in an average of 16 seconds. No matter how long sex may last, the ultimate is this sixteen seconds episode.  Things people can do to achieve this pleasure is entirely another book on its own. People sometimes even try harder for this 'earthly heaven' than they strive to enter the 'heavenly heaven'. Having said this, I believe you now see what I see when I call orgasm heaven.
One could never hate sex. Or let me say I can never hate sex, for at least I am here as a product of this act. So am not here to bastardize sex whether premarital, marital, post marital, or homosexual. Thats a discussion for another day. My concern this time is the alarming number of aphrodisiac on our markets today. It is Clear that throughout history, human being are constantly making efforts to make sex more pleasurable and enjoyable. These efforts have been recognized through our diet, lifestyle and habits. It is through this ever existing quest which seem to have led to the inventions of aphrodisiac.
Aphrodisiacs are a class drugs used in treating sexual dysfunctions including erectile dysfunction and low libido. They range from sprays, creams, and tablets to tonics and may be synthetic, semi synthetic or herbal preparation. This so far shows that all cultures are in unison saying we want better sex. But the big question has always been; Do aphrodisiac really work? Some think its just a placebo effect. No doubt, there are a few known synthetic ones like Viagra with a known ability to treat erectile dysfunction but the question still remains for the herbs.  Drugs like sildenefil and vardenerfil are known to improve erection because of their phosophodiesterase inhibition and vasodilation effects.  They merely improve erection but not necessary enhance the sensation. As for the efficacy of most folk aphrodisiacs, I believe they are largely placebo effects. Because most supposed failure in sex may not be because of any medical problem but mere anxiety, stress, poor technique and self-doubt. So the confidence the drug user gains after taking these herbal aphrodisiacs rather improves their performance rather than the drugs itself.
This was fairly manageable until the competition got tougher among the producers. New brands of such brands make their way into the market every day. How do producers stay afloat in these times. This is where the bad nuts thrive well.
In other to boost the performance of their drugs, some producers are adding the synthetic drugs to their supposed purely herbal products. The most common drugs used are sildenefil (Viagra) and vardenefil.
Well, one may ask what difference this makes since these two drugs are also aphrodisiacs. The answer is simple. These drug can be very dangerous if their usage is not supervised extensively by a pharmacist. They can kill as a matter of fact.
Due to their effect on the circulatory system, abuse of these drug can lead to serious health complications. These include but not limited to headache, dizziness, nasal congestion, angina, priapism, cardiovascular failure. For this reason Viagra intake is strictly on a need to basis and under specialists supervision.
It is alarming to see that some of these drug producers are secretly selling them to unsuspecting customers who will use it without any supervision. On 20th July 2015 reported that Ghana food and Drugs Authority had banned 6 brands of Ghana made herbal aphrodisiac for containing Vardenefil. These drug are Rockman capsules, Angel Natural capsules, Tinattet Be4 Be4 capsules, Adom Gentleman Power capsule, Laud P capsule and Mars for Men.
So for sixteen seconds heaven, people are putting their lives in grave danger. I'm not a business analyst but I know supply only exists when there is demand. So in a way the producers are not the only ones to blame but the customers are liable too. Young men are putting their lives in danger to please their partners. It is good to please your partner but value your life. Some are consuming these drugs on daily basis when they clearly have no medical problem. Some are using drugs just for fun. The next problem is alcoholism associated with the good sex. We are witness to the current advertisements of alcoholic beverages.
Dont succumb to modern trends. See a qualified person if you believe you have issues with your sex life. However the trick is mostly exercise, good foreplay and appropriate exploration of your partners body. Sometimes it takes time and more practice.  Sex is an act which must be learned. I don't want to mention any brand but these capsules, bitters and gins are not the solution. The solution is in your head. If not, see a doctor. Your life is not worn sixteen seconds in heaven. Be wise. They are killing you for profit.

John Alake

Staff writer (Articles Gh) 


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