What You're Is Who You're; Embrace Yourself!

It's of no doubt that what we accept about nature is what keeps us conscious. One undisputed fact is that 'no one can ever cheat nature.' So many people have forgotten that no matter how alike they may be with others, they're are made in a unique way. Nowadays, so many people doubt who they're due to certain life factors ( skin tone, body shape and size, walk of life, social class, among many others) but I ask this; must that be the case? I say a big no to with my reasons being these; as individuals from different parts of the world, we are who we are because of what we are, what we possess uniquely and what we accept and don't accept about ourselves. Let me use my own personal experience as an example; I was in a bus travelling to Kumasi, a city in Ghana when I had an encounter with this young woman. In fact she was fat but pretty. As we sat in the bus, I could see her flipping through her pictures on her smartphone. So I decided to poke a little and this is what I said " Nice pictures you got there". Suddenly she turned to me and smiled and said "Please why do you want to mock me?" I was surprised she said that because at first I didn't understand why she passed that comment only to realize later that she felt inferior regarding her body size. Now here's the thing I wonder if one's size or shape has effect on their success in life. As for me I really don't see that as a factor.

Too many people cloud themselves with inferiority but forget someone elsewhere wishes to be like them, even just for a second. Now people tone/bleach their skin with the concept of being fair; put on all sort of body shaping costumes just to give their body shape (what they call 'Sexy looking', especially with young ladies and women). I'm not surprised at all that some men or guys also do this. I am not saying that keeping the body in shape and caring for the skin isn't right, but if it must be done then it must be done appropriately void of any complications.  In as much as I blame people for looking down on themselves, I will also blame the society and various institution (Family, School, Workplace, etc.) for some of these incidents. People suffer from inferiority complex at the work place because they're fat or slim; at school because of several similar and other related reasons and in the end suffer psychologically, physically and emotionally. To some extent some even take away their own lives and I ask once again, must this be the case?

This is what we face in the world we live now; with my own country, Ghana not being excluded. Well just as they say " the only room that never full up is the room for improvement and development" and with this I strongly believe that if we all will advocate against inferiority complex within our communities, workplaces, schools and the world at whole, then then the world would stand a better chance of being great and perfect to live in. Let's not forget that, people are driven by what others perceive about them and in as much as that shouldn't be the case, it is what we live in and until nothing is done about it, there's little or no hope for the future.

I end by saying this; whether fair or dark or light, Christian or Muslim, rich or poor,tall or short, fat or slim, know that you are who you are because of what you're and until you accept that about yourself, see yourself to be nobody. I am proud of what I am and who I am; Are you?


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