Back To The Basics: Reviving Ghana's Agriculture.

Attest with me to the fact that since the beginning of this world, agriculture has been the most practiced and sustained profession/occupation. In fact I can say that it is the most important revolution that has ever happened to man. Asking ourselves today, is agriculture really what it used to be back in those days? As for me I will say that agriculture back in those days was more  lucrative than I assume it is in our time. Here's why; back in those days most of you will bear me out that agriculture was practiced on family basis such that no matter who you are or how you carried yourself, you will till the ground when the time for farming was due. Though currently, the family farming system may or may not exist; but let's ask ourselves that 'how many are into it and even those in it, how lucrative is it for them?'

With current advancement in the world, people 'misconceptionally' assume agriculture or farming occupation is meant to be practiced by the rural settlers (villagers). Yes, indeed farming is the main profession or occupation practiced in the rural communities but has anyone ever bothered to know what is involved, their techniques in practicing farming or even the administration of certain farming chemicals among others? Maybe, no. Most of these rural farmers barely have any knowledge about right farming practices, incentives and motivation to boost their on-farm and off-farm activities (from cultivation-marketing), proper roads to transport harvested produce (thus to some extent most of the produce falling off before reaching market centers), available markets to attract profitable income, machines,tools and equipment to enable them farm with ease so as to produce more. Considering all the above factors that hinder successful agriculture, I still believe that even if provided with all the things they lack, agriculture will still have some loopholes. Why I say this is simple; because little will they (supposed rural farmers) know how to access, operate, or maintain them.

Agriculture education now is in abundance; such that in almost all the tertiary institutions across the country and beyond, there is a designated program for agriculture. Let's ask ourselves again, even with all these institutions existing, what major change has it brought to the face of agriculture in Africa, and Ghana to be precise? Day-in-day-out, we have thousands or millions of agricultural students (students and graduates) yet  there is a lag in agriculture. Has anyone bothered to assess why, has any government or responsible authorities even thought of knowing why these 'atrocious' incidents come about? Well until now that several government policies hints on the revival of agriculture, the answer was No; and even with the introduction of such policies, how many individuals among the vast populace are enthused to get involved? I assume very little of course. But should that be the case?

Many agriculture graduates come out of school with the mindset of working for big agricultural firms and NGO's and dream of driving in flashy rides and living in luxurious mansions among others without considering the fact that someone has to to till, harvest and transport and so on, such big companies or firms wouldn't even exist? In fact their flashy and luxurious dreams might even be fantastic yet we boast of trained agriculturist in our systems. It almost occur to me that we literally teach what we don't practice; in that theoretically imparted knowledge outweighs practical knowledge. And that is of no surprise because it is what it is, we have lived in it for centuries and decades and so on. In my own country Ghana, vast lands,water bodies and other resources are left wasted when they can be used for profitable agricultural practices. The one question that hits me each time is 'who's ready to step up?' Not many,but it will be sad that majority of us ain't ready yet we are the same people who will complain about poor agricultural produce on the market even to an extent blame some market women for selling them poor produce. I believe that it is time to revive agriculture because from what I see, if care is not taken everything shall be lost to nothing even including our lands. Now you and I know for a fact what the results of that could be.

I hereby strongly suggest that we go back to our routes in agriculture; by that I mean our backyard farming systems and all other related agricultural practices at least as a first approach to revival. Also funds, machines and other resources should be made available to all endeavors to carry out agricultural practices and supervision with ease and precision. Speaking of supervision, I also urge the strengthening of extension services by way of training more students and the youth especially to be able to deploy them into various fields of agriculture; particularly those in rural areas. While we think about making the farm practices better, consideration should also be given to Agribusiness and the other after-harvest programs (post harvest technology among others). Not forgetting government involvement in making agriculture better and lucrative, agriculture production should be well resourced and financed to enhance productivity. What is the essence of establishing companies or firms when raw materials are not even available? There's a saying that goes 'true wealth lies beneath the soil; one can only find when tilled'. Meaning, without agriculture there would be nothing to eat; because it is only after eating that we get healthy to carry out our daily activities (to make money as well).

Finally, let's all rise and fight for the revival of agriculture because for a time to come it will be all our live may depend on. Save agriculture today for a wealthier and healthier future. Thank you.
To be continued...


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