A friend with weed is a friend indeed

A friend with weed is a friend indeed is now a prevalent proverb that was brought out of the old and wise saying, " A friend in need is a friend indeed." In recent times, the use of hard drugs has become very common especially among the youth. Among them, it has been realized that weed has the highest rate of consumption and this is due to the legal terms that has been associated with weed.

In some parts of the world, for instance Nevada the domestic use of weed has been legalized and it was surprising to know the number of people who queued to get some rolls of weed. The question i ask myself is, " Does weed now do us more good than harm or it has been genetically modified to perform miracles?" The answers to these questions are subjective depending on opinions or testimonies that have and are being shared. I doubt physicians now recommend weed as a cure or treatment of an ailment yet people argue on its good medicinal effect and its ability to affect your emotions. Take a look at the streets of some common towns in Ghana; awesomely being flooded with a lot of mentally challenged folks. About three- quarters of these folks had this conditions due to the use of these narcotics including our own weed. Its amazing to still find mentally challenged men who still smoke and can do away with these kind of narcotics. Studied have shown there are as many as five grades of weed or even more and the preferred choice is the highest grade or 'high grade'. This alone should inform us about the addictive nature of weed. Even if it is now medicinal, its super addictive nature is still as strong as we knew it.

But how at all are people introduced to weed? There are many factors but many of us can attest to the fact that it is usually introduced by friends or peers. This is a major factor that has contributed to the saying ,"A friend with weed is a friend indeed." Should it be so? Friends have some unimaginable control or power over us as we grow and move through the socialization process. If by chance, you happen to find yourself in a group who are ready to explore the world, these are some of the dangers one is likely to find themselves in.

Parents, Religious leaders, teachers and individuals should come together and communicate effectively as kids move through the socialization process so as to guide them in a path that will not benefit only the trainers but the entire society and world as a whole. Friends of the kids associate themselves with should be well scrutinized and  monitired so as to get the best for them. Children are the future leaders and any decision they take took will affect our future. In conclusion, the saying,"A friend with weed is a friend indeed" should rather be "A friend with weed is a friend you don't need.'

Rockson Prince Acquah
(Staff writer- Articlesgh)


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