As a young Christian scientist, i have met a lot of debates as to how the life began. Where as the religious ones say the earth has a Creator who is superior to all, the scientists believe and attribute origin of life to a physical force, THE BIG BANG THEORY  and EVOLUTION.
Creation is the art of bringing something new into existence . As a Christian i would speak on the Christian  perspectives of creation. In the very first chapter of the Bible which is Genesis chapter 1 gives a vivid account of the order in which creation took place. It even goes further to say it was only man that was created with the HAND OF GOD. The rest of all organisms were spoken words. ORDER OF CREATION.(GEN1:1-27)
FIRST DAY- Heaven and Earth, Day and night & light and darkness
SECOND DAY - firmament to seperate the heavens from earth
THIRD DAY - separate water from land and created plants.
FOURTH DAY - luminary bodies
FIFTH DAY: fishes, birds and beasts
The Bible though did not give account of how microorganisms were created. Some science  scholars argue that God created the universe and everything in it but changed over time to form other organism in order to balance life. Logically. From the Christian point of view, the earth cannot be even a hundred thousand years old. It should be within six thousand and eight thousand year if not less than that
In the science perspective THE BIG BANG THEORY gives a clear explanation of the beginning of the the universe about 14 billion years ago. (WWW.big-bang-theory.com). It began with the existence of singularities. Singularities have not been described to make sense but since it has not been opposed with a better explanation it is 'assumed ' to be true. They (singularities) exist at the core of 'black holes'. Black holes are areas of intense gravitational pressure that finite matter is squished into infinite densities known as singularities.
This theory explains our universe to start as a singularity . The big question is what is the origin of that singularity and the reason it appeared because everything happens for a reason.
The singularity then inflated(i.e Big Bang)  and cooled to what we now call as universe. But one major flaw is the answer to the question "where did the singularity appear? It cannot be space because space is a part of the universe.
Well, none of the situations put above is plausible enough because the origin of God is not known as well as the singularity. But the fact that religion states that everything was created for a purpose makes creation a more plausible event than the BIG BANG because the big bang cannot explain why such things happened. The argument on cosmology now is between the supernatural and nature. What is your stand?
Quarmie Hitman
2.The Holy Bible( New International Version) ,
Biblica Inc,2011, Colorado springs.
pg  1-2.


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