Seize Ethnocentrism And Racism Now!

         Believe you me it will surprise you that even with how far the world have go to, 'Racism' and' Ethnocentrism' still exist,most especially ethnocentrism. Well let me first break these two huge-but-no-huge words down so someone out there can understand what this whole piece is all about. According to Oxford Dictionaries, Racism "is the discrimination, prejudice or antagonism against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. On the other hand, Ethnocentrism "is the evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture. "I do believe that by now whoever is reading this article might have understood where I am heading towards,if not then stick and read ahead.
         Permit me to be a bit religious here but you all will bear sincerely with me that irrespective of our religious affiliations, we do believe that the Creator of this entire universe had no intention of putting differences among His own creatures (Humans). But now what do we see in the world of today? Some people no longer believe that each region, race or tribe in as much as we have different set of values,we are still one people. So now here is the thing ;I keep asking myself that are we really aware of the dangers or harm we are causing to ourselves or the generations unborn? Maybe Yes,Maybe No, but whichever the answer may be Racism and Ethnocentrism must seize now so as to allow peaceful coexistence and unity among religions, tribes,races,nations,states and continents.
         Just in-case you didn't know, most blacks as well as whites suffer issues of racism. But well!how true can that be too? I guess I'd have to leave that question for the rest of the world reading this to figure it out. Also research has it that amongst the numerous countries in the world, the top 10 countries where racism and ethnocentrism most exist are as follows:
1.United States Of America
2.United Kingdom
9.Pakistan. and
         Yes, I know for sure some of you may or may not be surprised to see some or all of these countries among the top ratings. But I believe it's far time the world as a whole bury racism and ethnocentrism for good just as we all know that it causes more harm than good. Why must it be that even with the world's level of technological advancements, such acts should exist.Some countries, nations, states and even continents may have survived and developed through the efforts put in by some other race whom may now not be considered. Lives have been lost, Properties damaged and Nations destroyed all in the name of Racism and Ethnocentrism.
          Though some countries or continents may have developed but I see the world to as a whole to be a 'developing village' and hence to turn a 'developing village' into a 'developing city', it takes the efforts of each and every individual whether black or white, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Traditionalist, tall or short,fat or slim,etc. to make that dream a reality.
         Now, just before you race against another person or be ethnocentric to another group of people, think about how far the world has come and ask yourself' Is it worth it?' I strongly believe that gradually we will get there but it takes You,Me,and US to get us there. Just as one of my co-authors(King Midas) will say "We have a duty". But until all of these acts are totally abolished, our minds and pens will seize to rest on these issues. Thank you and keep following our stories for more.
                 .............To be continued...........


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