Every now and then it occurs to me that Africa as a continent is characterized by a common label, a label which is diminishing the image of Africa, retarding and as a matter of fact blocking most of the continent's progress and development. Indeed I'm speaking of the label 'CORRUPTION' . How I wish the word never existed to be expressed or practised. It is so sad that some of these countries in Africa took about 50 years and above to get to where they are  yet still just a ten-lettered-word 'C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N' is tearing all the toil apart. Sometimes I sit and wonder, " Could it be that African leaders are so blind to see or so dumb to hear what corruption is leading the continent into?" Well lets just hope they aren't because if they are then Africa might just be about facing worse situations than now.
          Lets take a quick look around and see what corruption is leading most African countries into. Lives are being lost, properties being damaged and so on all as a result of corruption. Various institutions that are meant to address and see to the progress and development of such countries are all dwindling in corruption. With State leaders condoning and conniving  state owned assets and properties, judicial authorities jeopardizing the law at the expense of their own interest and so on, only one question comes in mind which is ,"How Far Are we Going with Corruption?" I'm afraid that if Africa as a continent continues like this, then surely all hope for a brighter future will be lost and that child somewhere dreaming of becoming a better person or leader in future will no longer live to see their dreams come true. The word may seem small but its effects on countries and continents are just overwhelming. Because of corruption lives have been lost, properties damaged, pride and dignity lost and so if it should continue then what more is left to save?
          Indeed when people of a country are economically sound,development takes off but it is so sad that in some parts, in fact most countries in Africa are dwelling in poverty and also facing financial difficulties. What really makes me sometimes want to cry when I think about corruption is that always the poor are the mostly affected, whether it be in rich or poor countries. Most people think that corruption is only practised by government officials, but NO! even ordinary citizens living in the society, in schools, churches, Hospitals,Local assemblies and authorities and many more are all involved in corrupt practices. A list of countries in Africa was drawn showing the top 10 most corrupted countries and they included:  Somalia, Sudan, Burundi, Chad, Zimbabwe, Equitorial Guinea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, Angola and Guinea, thus according to .
          It is almost occurring to me that the issue of corruption has eaten Africa up so much that we are only left to be swallowed and the world knows what a catastrophe it is for our continent. Day-in-Day-out we hear and see on our television and radio sets of huge sums of money being donated to countries in Africa for development yet still we are stuck at where we aren't suppose to be. I know I am not the first writer to address this issue of corruption but I believe that if something is not done about it, then the future of Africa as a continent is sinister. Some say corruption in Africa has become endermic such that over the past few decades it is fast spreading than ever. I think its time for leaders of Africa  united and rose against corruption once and for all. I have always said that if you're looking for one of the most attractive countries or continents in the world, then Africa is of no exception but until we realize our mistakes we might just be at the edge of losing it all.
          I believe I've said enough but not all and I'm sure that I've driven some part of the nail through the right hole. Though not all can be said and written but what matters most is that Africa must KILL corruption and save itself from the global disgrace it's been through over the past decades. I hope to write more on this issue so long as it still exist. Africa, We have a duty!
  be continued. ..........


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