Every human being has got this kind of strange voice within our heads which either motivates, accuses, and causes us to do or make certain decisions in our daily lives. Some scientists have tried to explain this to be part of our natural, in-built potential to overcome pain, discomfort, stress, and even failure. Most often we do hear people saying, "I can hear a voice inside of me, telling me 'this' and 'that", but have we taken much time to analyse the outcome and circumstances for which we hear such voices? Maybe not. A successful businessman may psyche his mind that no matter the voices he keeps hearing in his head, there's no such thing as QUITTING ;whereas one who is striving so hard that he has to fight the thought of QUITTING will also make you understand that it is a constant situation.
          Ask me and I will tell you that there are million ways with which this voice interacts with us day in and day out. Sometimes when you wake up, this voice prompts you to pray, it tells you be safe, stop running, don't get stressed too much, don't work so hard, persevere and so on. You can say to yourself that you're going to turn a deaf ear to this voice but trust me it's easier said than done. Have you even bothered thinking about what is needed to be done right or what can be done to avoid the feeling of QUITTING? What of say, tirelessly pursuing to accomplish a particular goal or dream is the key? Yes indeed! it surely can be but in order to be able to tell yourself, " I can't QUIT," you might had have told yourself, " I want to QUIT,"Once you're bold enough to tell yourself " I can't QUIT,"  you'll feel the true element of mastering and overcoming QUITTING.
          Right from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to sleep again at night, we are always at war with the 'QUIT DEMON'. Let me share with you My own personal experience about QUITTING.  It all happened when I was a science student back in high school.  Sometimes, the efforts I put into achieving my dreams  but still struggled made me feel like quitting school for good and stay home. It was then that I realized QUITTING wasn't listed on my curricular activities and so each time I felt that voice of QUITTING, I would quickly flood my mind with thoughts of positivities and 'can dos'. This kept me going and going until I finally came out of high school successfully. Also, sometimes I would go to the basketball court to play with friends but each time I compared my level of play to somevplayers on the court, I felt like QUITTING the game as a hobby. Then I came to agree with the fact that I was born to love it and so I had to push harder till I also became the best at it.
          Trust me, giving up on QUITTING can either keep you down or start you on a path that will cause you to avoid that voice but then, the choice still remains yours. It is no secret that sometimes some sort of motivation or inspiration can be of help to us. Lou Holtz said
" ABILITY IS WHAT YOU'RE CAPABLE OF DOING, MOTIVATION DETERMINES WHAT YOU DO AND ATTITUDE DETERMINES HOW WELL YOU DO IT."  Aside these motivating quotes, I will urge each of us to keep pushing harder for whatever it is that we seek to achieve, discipline our conscience, persevere through the tough and bad times and also stand high in all situations.
          You can QUIT QUITTING when you are motivated and inspired but what if there's no one to motivate or inspire you? I guess that will be the moment you spark up and keep MOVING and staying FOCUSED to your dreams or goals as well as keeping the fire of self discipline burning. I bet if you can do all these, you are certain of reaching your  set targets.
          Finally, I encourage you all reading this article to keep MOVING and QUIT QUITTING!  Thank You.

[Credit goes to Stew Smith, it was one of his articles that inspired and ignited me to put this piece together]


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