An introduction:Information Technology and Biotechnology

Humans have achieved huge growth in the short term and long term. Thus, whoever  saw the new comer never taught it will be this magnificent. Even the pioneers of this new regime are perplexed at this move worldwide. But it seems history wants to repeat itself and if we willed, history will give no discount.
As a fellow, I cannot give people food or clothes – but I can try and offer some knowledge,thereby helping to level the global playing field. If this empowers even a handful of additional people to join the debate about the future of our world , I have done my part in this journey.
The proclamation of this new era is intended to cause bewilderment to the individual not shouting on the street proclaiming, “the Apocalypse is here”.
This journey is intended to explore information technology and biotechnology now, in the future and how we arrived at the point. My focus is on current affairs and on the immediate future of human societies. What is happening right now? What are today’s greatest challenges and choices in terms of technology and biotechnology. The statement to be made in the up coming episodes is not intended to be exhaustive but assemble all and  sundry to be aware of the happenings and grow inside out. It is imperative for individuals to be involved in this personal knowledge seeking journey before they can partake in the on-going debate on info-tech and biotech. It’s a significant advantage on one’s part to be intentional about what they sow into their minds for the good of the mind is equally as important as the good of the body likewise the neglected soul.
The scar on our towns, cities and nations are meant to be indicators of the consequences when the first train left( which I will deal with in my next episode). It’s important to note that no one and I mean no one gets to vote on whether technology stays or not. The invent and advent of Facebook and Uber never invited us to the polls to vote. It is therefore imperative for us to be aware of the trends of info-tech and biotechnology and get acquainted with these witty inventions before the next train heaps havoc on us.
Millions of individuals are taken into their daily activities - a mother in the market in India, a lad on the street of Nigeria, a lady on the streets of Mumbai are engrossed in their quest to the extent that it’s sinister to try to investigate the happenings in the world. Unfortunately, history gives no discounts. As said by a historian, Yuval Noah” If the future of humanity is decided in your absence, because you are too busy feeding and clothing your kids – you and they will not be exempt from the consequences.'' This is very unfair; but who said history was fair?

Article By:
Abraham Kwame Badjona


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