Governments come and go yet one thing they all share
in common is the fact that either of these governments have had so much
problems to solve, including even those that were not mentioned in their
policies. When an individual is appointed a leader, being of a country,
organization, home or school, such a person assumes a sacrificial
responsibility; and for all I know, sacrifice is all about getting the task
done no matter what it takes and not just talking. Even today, every child,
young or old, knows for a fact that as a country we are confronted with loads
of challenges and none of them seems to ending yet as most of such problems are
not to be blamed on either of the previous governments but rather since the foundation
of this country was laid. Now, even though we the ordinary citizens know what
we face as a country, some politicians out of their own selfish interest I
would say, refuse to tell us the truth and so we are always stacked in
development. Just imagine how a country with almost all the natural resources,
for 60 years now we still borrow from other countries. For me it’s a shame and
not something we should even be broadcasting left alone politicize with it, yet
we do. So here’s the thing, why not call a spade a spade and stop trying to
paint a picture that does not fit the frame. It is therefore high time that
government officials who oversees various sectors of the country’s
administration to tell we the citizens the truth. Sometimes I wonder this, is it
that some of these politicians who are in government particularly do not
respect us or what, because it appears to every reality on the ground they
would want to counter it with flimsy excuses and all that. Take for instance
our issue of rampant power outages, it’s a problem that has been there for
quite some time now yet these politicians talk about it like someone
intentionally created it and instead of dealing with the problem, we’ve been
talking and talking over it for quite some years now yet still we face it. So I
ask this, what’s the point with all the plenty talks?
Unfortunately, we all cannot occupy leadership
positions in the country which is why we have appointed certain people into the
government offices by voting for them, not because they’re wiser or superhuman,
but because we cherish their intelligence and capabilities to help solve most
of the problems that we face today. Considering all this and yet one attains a
high office and neglects his duties and rather chooses to always explain problems
instead of solving them then again I ask, of what use are they to us as a
country? Earlier on, I said that once a person takes up a leadership role
irrespective of where or whom he or she is to serve, he or she assumes a
sacrificial responsibility and that means even if it will cost them to drain
their entire blood within them to get the job done, they must. Let’s not forget
that it is through the toil of our fore-fathers that we see Ghana as it is
today; so if we can’t toil to continue building our country towards the right
direction (development), then I don’t see any point in having to talk much.
Most of the time when I get the chance to interact with people especially those
who have ambitions of holding up some leadership positions someday, I tell them
this, “it is better to always project the real image than to project what you
think of it to be”. This is simply because, as humans we tend to believe the
one who is returning from the scenes than one who have just heard it and is
reporting and I am sure that reminds us of this particular saying, “from the
horses’ own mouth”.
I for one believe that it is high time government
officials and respective communicators lay the issues confronting our country
straight so that at least as citizens we all can get involved and help make it
better. Indeed, the problems we face today can’t just be dealt with overnight
but together we stand the better we build. Maybe we haven’t noticed something
yet as a country, that is, each time we spend talking unnecessarily or showcasing
political taunts, some countries we can equally compare ourselves to are also
busy putting measures in place developing their country; and by the time we
realize they will be classified as a developed country and by then let’s ask
ourselves ‘how will we be classified?’ I believe we can only get there if our
leaders seize the long talks and rather face our challenges with actions. I
therefore personally would like to appeal to our government officials and
politicians as well as media communicators (because they mostly spread these
false truths) to consider taking the right steps so that we the citizens may
also follow in building and making Ghana great again.
I am just a writer and just as every writer like
myself would do, I pour down my emotions, consents, and thoughts on paper or
any medium through writing. Today I write this piece as a citizen who is
victimized by the problems we face as a country; so to all in charge of running
and managing the affairs of our beloved country, cut the long talks and series of
explanations and strike with actions because there is only one Ghana and
talking alone can’t develop it. I strongly believe that Ghana can and will be
great again and so let us all help in building it with our every quota and
surely someday, even if not us, our generations will look back and smile. The
journey may seem far but we will sure get there if we act right. God bless
Ghana, long live Ghana. Thank you.
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