Indeed, there is no doubt how it hurts being offended and disappointed by the people we love and cherish most in our lives. There are times in life that we sacrifice everything we have in other to make others happy, but they pay us back with pains and sorrows. There are times that we show people love and prove to them how we cherish them, but they later become our enemies.  Those are the times that if God doesn’t cushion our hearts, we are tempted to kill the very people we use to love through curses (duabo), acid spray and anything unacceptable.

I wrote this piece not to aggravate your pains from people's hurt, but to let you know that it is the beauty of life to go through those tempting moments, because they help you to appropriate your steps and make you a better person, therefore, you must let it go. We may certainly care and love people who won’t do same in return. When this happens, we are tempted to swear never to love again nor sacrifice for others. That shouldn’t be the case, let it go.

There is no need to linger on disappointments and hurts; it only drags you back in life. You have promised yourself not to love again, because the person you so much loved and sacrificed your life, time and maybe money for broke your heart. You have the mindset that all ladies or guys are the same. No! Never! That is a fallacy.

The fact that your son has drown in a river doesn’t mean you shouldn’t drink water for the rest of your life; It isn’t every water that drowns people. In the same vein, it isn’t everyone who is going to break your heart, disappoint or hurt you. There are still some trusted and good people in the system. You can’t be single for the rest of your life. Pray to God, build yourself and God will surely connect you to right people.

Those who don’t want to be with you anymore, let them go; the good ones will forever stay and will always stand by you.  There are some ladies out there who hate and fear men, because of their awful experience with a few nefarious men. They fear men, because they were once rapped or sexually abused when they were young. Indeed, such experiences hurt, but you shouldn’t allow it to steal your joy and your future. Let it go. Forgive them and fervently pray to God to help you overcome it.

You came to the earth alone and you will leave alone, so don’t allow others to make your life a miserable one. The greatest mistake you can make in life is to allow others'reactions towards you dictate how you should live your life. If you are not able to forgive or love again, then certainly, someone is dictating the trajectory of your life. And this is the worst thing that can happen to you. Rather, stand by your belief and convictions and speak your truth quietly. Be yourself and never love blindly. Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams and inspire you. Don’t stay on the humps for too long, let it go and move on with your life.

“We are not children of a lesser god”

Article By:
Ntenhene Felix


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