Women; a beacon of hope.

In Ghana, women constitute over 50% of the population, yet out of the 275 members of parliament, only 29 of them are women. The marginal representation of female leaders is common in many organizations across the country. A country like ours cannot develop when over 50% of its population do not have equitable number of representative of leadership positions in various sectors of the economy. Women are needed to be the voices to promulgate the plights and needs of women in their communities, to propose policies that favor women, and to contribute in the building of our economy. Gender inequality sprouts from a lot of factors and religion seems to be one of the major. Ghana; like most African countries, is a very religious country of which Islam and Christianity is the most common of the religious affiliations. These two religions clearly spell out the role of women; to be submissive, to be busy at home and to follow her husband's leadership. This law is basically fol...